So happy for our artisan Sandi Cirillo!
Festival of Art features 120 Maine artists
BELFAST — The 17th Annual Festival of Art, sponsored by Senior College at
Belfast, will be held Thursday, May 30 through Sunday, June 2, at the
UMaine Hutchinson Center, 80 Belmont Ave.
The opening night reception and first viewing is Thursday, May 30, from 6 to
8 p.m. The work of 120 Maine artists will be exhibited, the Belfast Bay
Fiddlers will provide the music, and light refreshments will be available.
There is no entrance fee and the event is open to the public.
Regular exhibit hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, and 12 to 3
p.m. on Sunday. A special screening of “J. Fred Woell: An American Vision,”
the documentary film by Richard Kane, is set for 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 1,
in the auditorium of the UMaine Hutchinson Center, and open to the public
for free.
Sandi Cirillo is the Featured Artist at this year’s Festival of Art. A fiber/mixed
media artist for more than 25 years, Cirillo specializes in creating artwork
which pleases the eye and craves to be touched. A retired educator, she now
offers workshops in the Northeast and North Carolina, and also teaches
drawing and fiber classes for Senior College at Belfast. She exhibits her work
locally and nationally and her artwork is in many private collections. Cirillo
resides in Searsport where she has her studio and teaches many different
workshops that are listed on her website,